Tips To Prepare Your Child And Yourself For A Dual Language Kindergarten

Dual language programs are growing in popularity throughout Denver. Parents are looking forward to admit their kids in dual language schools with an intention to prepare them for the competitive world market. Besides, bilingual schools help children learn and improve in other subjects like social studies, mathematics, etc.

Many Denver language schools offer course in combination like English/Spanish, English/French, English/German, English/Chinese, etc. Most of these schools admit children belonging to English speaking and other language speaking homes in one class. This helps them learn better interactive skills. Also, instructions are given in both languages.

Preparing for a dual language kindergarten school

Generally, the child needs no preparation at this stage. For him/her it is just like going to any other kindergarten school. The kid must be nervous and shy about going to school and that is all. However, on the other hand, parents need to be sure about their decision. The thing is, as a parent you might have to struggle a lot in helping your child cope up with both the languages.

You can start by giving basic knowledge of the language to your kid at home. This will make the child feel more comfortable and confident around the students who speak another language. As a family, start showing respect towards the other language your child is about to learn.

You can even start taking classes in Denver, and begin learning the language your child is about to learn. Decorate your child’s room with quotes in other language, or label some basic items around the house in the other language. Start by taking baby steps and you will see how helpful it will be.

Also, don’t pressurize your child in any way. Remember, learning a new language will take ample of time, and your child will feel frustrated initially. He/she might struggle understanding the classroom instructions at first, but eventually they will get a hang of it.

Never make your child speak the language just because he/she has too. Instead, motivate them to talk using it just like they use English.

Lastly, keep in mind that your child will need constant support to learn a new language. This means, you will have to help them learn Spanish, German, Chinese, etc. even if you yourself don’t know it. You will have to invest both time and money in the concept of bilingualism, if you wish to see your child adopt is flawlessly.